Jumat, 25 September 2015

Tips on How to Overcome Oily Hair Naturally

Tips on How to Overcome Oily Hair Naturally
Oily hair is a common problem experienced by men and women, the problem of oily hair certainly make us feel irritated even less confident given that oily hair is difficult to in order according to our wishes. Usually people who have oily hair will surely hair limp and thin, not only it is often too greasy hair is becoming a serious problem even damage the health of the hair so the hair easy to fall off and cause a problem of baldness. This makes some people experiencing oily hair became very restless and constantly looking for the right solution how to cope with oily hair properly.

No wonder if every effort has been done by people who have oily hair to be able to overcome the problem of excessive oil on the hair. Such as shampoo, vitamins, and others but has not been able to overcome the problem of oily hair, so many complaints I saw on the internet, especially the women and men who want to be able to overcome this problem of his greasy hair.

Tips on How to Overcome Oily Hair Naturally

You should know, errors in hair care will only add to the problem that occurred in our hair. So how to cope with oily hair appropriately. Okay before we discuss the core issues helps us know in advance what the heck is causing oily hair?

Causes Oily Hair
In general, the cause of oily hair is due prosuksi excess oil from the glands of the scalp. It is usually influenced by several factors such as the type of shampoo that is not suitable for this type of scalp us or can also be influenced by hormonal changes.

Tips on How to Overcome Oily Hair Naturally
For those of you who have oily hair problems please follow the tips below:

1. Water Lime
In addition to the extra rich in vitamin C, cara mengatasi kulit wajah kering secara tradisional lime serves to reduce the production of excessive oil on the scalp that can be utilized to cope with oily hair.
Here's how:
- Provide 3 limes
- The third squeeze of lime for water grab
- Mix the lemon juice with 1 cup of water
- Use this water mixture to wet your scalp
- Let stand until the hair dries and rinse with clean water

2. Water Tea
Benefits of tea water we can use here because the content or astringent tannic acid in tea water is able to cope with excessive oil production in the scalp due to hormonal changes or other.
Here's how:
- Water brewed tea as usual with warm water
- Use tea water to moisten the scalp
- Set aside some time until the water dries and pervasive
- Then rinse the hair and scalp with clean water

3. Sari Apple Vinegar

Apple Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many benefits for skin problems that apple cider vinegar can also be used to address excessive levels of oil on the scalp.
Here's how:
- Provide apple vinegar 1/4
- Mix with 1 cup of water
- Use this water to wash mix
- Massage the scalp thoroughly
- Let stand about 10 minutes
- Then rinse the hair and scalp with clean water

4. Baking Soda
In addition to apple cider vinegar, a natural substance that turned out to be no less effectively cope with oily hair is to use baking soda. Baking soda is a material that is normally used to make this cake has many benefits for beauty one can prevent excessive oil production that occurs on the scalp.
- Provide about 2 tablespoons of baking soda
- Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 liter of clean water
- Use this water to wash it while massaging the scalp
- Let stand for 5 minutes
- Washing the hair and scalp clean

Such tips on how to cope with oily hair naturally, in addition to the above that needs attention is to be able to avoid while materials containing gel or cream, because it could be the cause of this oily hair gel / cream that we use to organize our hair.


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